Dr Emily Musgrove
Social Impact

Dr Emily Musgrove

Clinical psychologist, assisting people to find meaning, happiness and wellbeing in their lives

Dr Emily Musgrove spoke at Ready24 – stay tuned for our Ready25 Line Up, dropping in the coming months.


Dr Emily Musgrove is a clinical psychologist, who holds a combined Masters / PhD in Clinical Psychology.

As a regular guest on one of Australia’s most popular podcasts, The Imperfects, Emily shares insights, psycho-education and general advice about common mental health issues that listeners can take away and apply to their own imperfect lives.

Emily works predominantly with adults experiencing a range of mental health difficulties and is dedicated to assisting people to find greater meaning, happiness, and wellbeing in their lives. 

At Ready24, Emily paired up with Comedian and co-creator of The Imperfects podcast Ryan Shelton, to talk Positive Psychology and the never-ending search for that elusive thing we call “happiness”.